Here is what I’ve been part of in almost a decade of working/living/loving/flying/crying/teaching and toiling in the mountains in South Western Uganda. This is a brief, brief, brief synopsis of my timeline from teacher in Dubai to coffee farmer in Uganda…come back next time for a deeper dive into what it takes to produce specialty coffee in some of the most remote areas in Uganda…I love it…you will too 🙂
2014 – Fly from Dubai to Uganda…Trek with majestic mountain gorillas…go back to Dubai…The End…almost…
2015 – Fly back to Uganda…Purchase 20 acres of land in South West Uganda – Plant 20,000 coffee trees, by hand, with lots of local help.
2016 – Design and build a coffee washing station, with a solar powered office and 65 raised coffee drying beds.
2017 – Move family from Dubai to South Western Uganda…that was a big move…now we’re coffee farmers…I love working outdoors.
2018 – First coffee sale and it’s to some great people in Dubai…what a great way to start.
2019 – Ride sketchy motorcycles all over SW Uganda in search of coffee…find lots of great coffee farmers to work with (there are some really good people in this part of the world)…first big coffee sale…wow, I’m doing this, really doing this…I’m stoked.
2020 – COVID shows up- all bets are off…move the family to Canada…keep the coffee estate running in Uganda…
2021 – Open a Canadian import company…receive first coffee shipment…it’s not what I wanted…the quality isn’t up to my standards…Canadian company shuts down after just one year…COVID sends things sideways…but not for long 🙂
2022 – COVID quiets down – return to Uganda, produce great coffee, sell the entire harvest…all specialty grade…my coffee is sold all over the world…for real…so amazing, so grateful.
2023 – Open new Canadian import company…receive first coffee shipment…it’s great coffee…super excited…my customers and I are really enjoying it…woo hoo…next up…back to Uganda for the harvest…I get to be a coffee farmer again…I love working outside, come join me 🙂