Arabica and Robusta Coffee Training

With the arabica and robusta coffee seasons just around the corner the Kingha Coffee training team has started their seasonal farmer training program.  With more than 400 registered farmers and over 600 total farmers taking part in the program, the Kingha Coffee team is sure to be busy in the next few weeks.  Some of the topics we focus on include:

1.  Proper coffee cherry selection, ensuring only the ripest ones are picked

2.  Pruning and weeding coffee gardens

3.  Correct manure and fertilizer application

4.  Pest and disease control

5.  Managing household finances

All of our training is free to any farmer who wishes to attend.  Our aim is to improve the quality of coffee grown by the farmers, thereby increasing the price they are all paid.  Ultimately, everyone in the coffee value chain benefits from the work we do at the farm level.   The better the coffee the farmers grow, the better the coffee we produce, and the better the coffee you get to enjoy!